Monday, January 19, 2009

don't give up on us!

Internet access on the ship has been a challenge, so hope people are still tuning in! Thanks for the comments -- if you leave a comment, we have to give permission before it is actually published, so there may be a lag. We are currently in the Bahamas, having arrived Sunday morning from Miami. We were anchored not far from Miami until finally leaving for Nassau late Saturday afternoon. We had reasonably calm seas, and although some people felt sick, John and I were fine. The weather is gorgeous today and I am sitting right now on a Starbucks patio having coffee and enjoying the terminal activity. Our students are boarding this morning, so there is a very different energy on the ship and around the terminal! The faculty have been in meetings since Friday and I think all of us are very excited to finally meet the students. Lifelong Learners boarded yesterday, so we met several of them at a reception last evening.

The ship is lovely and the food has been great. I have taken advantage of the gym several times now, and has been very nice to have lots of time for reading and getting to know fellow voyagers. Several of us have been wondering what it will be like with 730 additional participants boarding, so we will get a better idea of that at dinnertime tonight. There are lots of parents here in the coffee shop, with students running in and out occasionally -- parents are not allowed on the ship today, although there was a reception for parents (without the students) yesterday afternoon.

I will not post pictures this time since I am not organized to do so, but will get those ready for my next posting. I will also try my hand at posting some video of the ship. Thinking about all of you -- I will post as often as possible!


orbiter said...

Hello Teresa. Great blogging. Say hi to Sherman for me.

Anonymous said...

Hi John and Theresa,
Ture and I are reading your blog.
Enjoy the voyage.

Calgary +5C and sunny

orbiter said...

Hello. Mike McGuire here. Nice boat. Didn't see a casino on the tour.

Anonymous said...

Hello John, hello Theresa. Calgary calling. Our weather not bad, but will turn cold tomorrow, so gloat.
Nice to read of your imminent sail for Africa, but it's a shame you have to skip the Mediterranean. I'd have recommended some beaches, churches, and restaurants.
Theresa, tell John there's an language misuse on your Blog front page, a link to a video called Storm. In the video, the student says the following: "I heard the wave and it just completely decimated that window."
Well there you are: a new way to abuse the verb To Decimate. Take 'em to sea, one more time, and they will surely decimate the language.
- Regards, Walter Bruno

Anonymous said...

looking forward to travelling through you!!! :-) have a blast!