Wednesday, August 28, 2013

st petersburg in a few hours

Latitude: 60 degrees, 4.9N
Longitude: .027 degrees, 27.43 E
Course: 63 degrees
Ship time: 00:04

We have been making our way slowly from the North Sea (where we saw a German submarine), threading through the small bits of land between Sweden and Denmark, passing under the Øresund Bridge (Øresund_Bridge) and finally entering the Baltic Sea. Tonight we are in the Gulf of Finland and we will be in St Petersburg by morning. The days have been so beautiful, the water so calm. Nights are clear with lots of stars and moderate temperatures. We've seen some beautiful sunsets and some interesting vessels.

John has a field activity in the morning with his Cognitive Psychology class. They will be going to the University of St Petersburg where Pavlov did much of his research, and will meet with faculty and students there. I am going to explore St Petersburg with the other psych prof on the ship, who is here from UCLA. 

I have some photos I'd like to share, but am not terribly optimistic I'll find a place to upload them. May have to wait for Hamburg. It is late and I need to go to bed. More in a day or two.

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