Saturday, March 14, 2009

arriving in thailand shortly...

Our current location at 2220 ship time:
Latitude: 10 degrees 29.4' N
Longitude: 101 degrees 39.4' E
Course: 344 degrees

In a few hours we will arrive in Laem Chabang, Thailand Laem Chabang is our port of entry; Bangkok is an hour and a half to two hours away.

While bunkering in Singapore, our music professor, Matthew, had arranged an international "drive-by" concert with the National University of Singapore. No one was allowed off the ship, but everyone could participate using computers. While I downloaded the software, I did not download one file that would have allowed me to participate too, however I did observe, and it was fun to watch. This was picked up by a local Singapore radio station. Matthew has done some interesting things with technology in music. Yesterday's activities are written in today's "official" SAS blog at and you can see Matthew's website at

If you would like to see some great photos of this voyage by our staff photographer, John Weakley, check out [Sorry - Photos no longer available]. It's hard to believe, but yesterday was the mid-point of the journey since picking up the students in Nassau. We have only 25 sea days and 27 port days left.

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